Thursday, October 13, 2016

Around Town

I took these today with my phone today. Yep it harvest time and time for seeding.

This was on County Road 35 north of town, just before County Road 3. Never know what is just around the bend in the road. Monday night about 10 pm a farmer was still out harvesting. The flood lights was a give away. Hard frost last night 29 at 530 am.

Stay Safe..........Rob


Vicki said...

Boy, things have really changed. When my kids were young, their Dad and I farmed with a Case tractor about a third the size of the one behind your van and an ancient Farmall. Temp here didn't break 50 degrees today. Time to dig out the long johns, I think. :)

Rob said...

The one in back is a seeding truck?? it has long boom arms that fold out over 10 on each side. We have an ag service here in town. Maybe I'll run over that way tomorrow and snap some photos. By the way thank you for the kick in the assets...

Vicki said...

It was kind of hard to tell just what that vehicle was. I know there are some huge tractors in use now. Some so big a family of five could probably live in them comfortably. :)

About the kick...any old time, my friend. You have come too far to give up. We are going to need to stick together.

hobo said...

Looks like around here. Silage trucks, sugar beet trucks, onion trucks all getting the harvest out of the fields. The one with the booms may be out doing a fall application of herbicide or fertilizer. We don't see them until the Spring when they are out fertilizing the fields.

We had 24F the other night. Definitely killed whatever had the nerve to live through the first frost. Now we have about a week of rain, but it is better than snow. Not ready for snow just yet.

Rob said...

You can never be ready for the white stuff, don't even want to say the word. We know its coming, sooner or later. Later is always better. I figure another month to 6 weeks.