Sunday, October 16, 2016

Coup d'état

If for some reason she wins on the 8th, the SHTF. Voter fraud will be the "Shot Heard Round The World". It will get real ugly, real fast. You think the "BLM" folks riot, the next wave to hit America will make the American Revaluation, and the Civil War, look like a play ground fight. The new fight will make America look like Europe after World War Two.

You can only bottle up the anger in America so much before it boils over. The peace marches of the 1960's will pale in size. She may have the shortest President term anyone has ever seen. I'm not talking assassination, both her and her VP will face a very tough road head.  The US will see its very first Coup. She and him will be forced out of office, If they can even take the oath of office.

Militias and Patriots will raise up and take down and Occupy D.C. The Military will take over, we will no longer have any Representatives or Senators. It will take years for anyone to be trusted to govern our country again.. Is this a bad dream??? Or FACT??

Take my poll over on the top of the right column...



Linda said...

I think it is a bad dream. Nothing happened with the hanging chads! If we lived in Central or South America, revolution would happen.

Moe said...

I've been expecting "something" to happen since Howard was telling us about Ruff Times. These days I'm beginning to think that there aren't enough Patriots to make much difference -- fools, LeftTards and minorities are calling the shots.

Sad situation for sure.


Rob said...

I agree its been a bad dream since ole slick willy was in the white house. God I miss Reagan, there was a man who had large coconuts. BO will go down in history tied with JC has worst president ever.

Rob said...

Moe, that for stopping by, your welcome here anytime. The problem is as the new generations come along, parents change the way they deal with their kids. Get too soft. Its the I'll never treat my kids the way I was treated...Sad to say but those who fought in WW2 was the last great generation in our country.

Anonymous said...

You are all completely MAD .
And I vote for BLM .

Rob said...

Anon.....Thank you I am mad

Mike Yukon said...

If hillary gets elected I don’t see any changes in our government. Even many Republicans want hillary over Trump. Why?, Because she is corrupt to the core, the exact same way the House and Senate operate. So it will be business as usual. However, if Trump gets in I believe he will end all their foundations and charities where they launder all the kick-back money through and appoint a real Attorney General and put some of these thieves in jail.

Rob said...

I hope he can clean up D.C. I still think way too many folks are so pissed off that a new civil war may happen...

Peteforester said...

I think that if Hildebeast wins, she will exacerbate the division that BHO created. The legal, law-abiding citizens will finally snap. This country is a frog hair's thickness from disintegration. I'm not being pessimistic here; it just is what it is. It's wishful thinking that Trump will be able to pull the country out of its nosedive.

Peteforester said...

The "hanging chads" incident was more straw on the camel's back. You may be underestimating the pent up anger of the legal, taxpaying, law-abiding citizen. The tipping point's been reached.
I only wish this WAS a bad dream...