He's already screwed America out of Billions of dollars paid to Iran, Given US crappy health insurance, free phones, free food support, and brought the race war to the forefront of America.
If she gets elected its more of the same. I don't even want to think about the ways he will screw US more before he leaves office. I don't know if anyone has noticed I have a count down clock going until he leaves office.....
Weather here has been great, dry, temps in the 70's today. the farmers are out harvesting the corn and soy. Stay Safe my friends......Rob
This, of course, is exactly why he hopes that Hillary gets elected; otherwise, he may be prosecuted.
What for?? Being incompetent. Seriously I have no clue. He will go down in history as being worse then Carter. Oh wait the liberals will just rewrite history to back up there lies...
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