Thursday, November 8, 2018

Too Old To Play Games

To my fellow bloggers, I would just like to say, that in the spirit of equal access I took comment monitoring off. Well as many of you have notice the cold weather here in MN didn't kill off all the bugs. I have once again put comment monitoring back on. Seems like some lovers of the LEFT just want to get under my skin once again.

I have also decided to shift my priorities, from politics, to other issues facing myself. It seems the dark clouds of the Left are starting to move in over the horizon like a strong summer storm. I find its best to retreat to my bunker and prepare for a rough storm ahead.

The wind in my sails as come to a halt, no breeze at all. I learned of the passing of an aunt yesterday. She was the last one of the family born before the out break of WW 2. She was my uncles wife. So now may grandparents have passed, my mother, her brother, his wife now too. Yes the world goes on, even if another family member pases on to the gret family reunion in haven. My heart breaks for my cousins, and their children, who must suffer once again the pain of losing a great role model of our youth.

My cousins like myself grew up in a different time. One of discipline, respect to others, and family togetherness.  I will have to once again take time away from blogging to pray for my cousins, and for strength of my own family. (We have been battling a stomach bug),  and the strength of our country's leadership.

Until next time my friends.......




Rob said...

For some reason, when i went to publish comments they disappeared. So if you posted a comment please do so again

Mike Yukon said...

Rob, sorry to hear about your aunt. Unfortunately it’s a price we all pay as families age.

Good move turning the comment monitoring back on. No one needs to see or read those sub-human, leftist comments.

I agree with distancing your personal priorities from politics, to family. The left has wrecked our country beyond repair with hatred and the non-stop illegal immigration flooding our country. Now that we have lost the House, President Trump will be under merciless and continuous attack. With over 50% of the voters in this country being brain-dead the Democrat Socialist government will be upon us quickly.

Focus on building a family compound-like homestead, where you can grow some of your own food, grow old with all your children and all your grand children can grow old as a tight nit family. A place to be handed down generation to generation while being safe as possible by having minimal daily interaction with all the sub-humans and illegal’s surrounding us.

Stay warm!

Peteforester said...

Indeed, Rob. The elder role models are "crossing the bar," as we say in the Coast Guard. It's always sad to see 'em go, but we only get so long to ride on the E-ticket God gave each one of us. It occurred to me a while back, long after my father and older brother both died of pancreatic cancer; I'm the eldest male in the family; the Patriarch! Herein lies our responsibility as elders; we KNEW the old folks who came before us We LEARNED their ways. It's up to us now to keep liberty's torch lit. If it is extinguished, the world will never see another USA! It will go down in history as a failed experiment. Contrary to the beliefs of many, there are SOME coming after us who will listen. Concentrate on THEM, as THEY are willing to learn...

Rob said...

Mike, Well said sir.

Rob said...

Pete, As the oldest son, oldest grandchild, I have the weight of the family on my shoulders. My Cousin Kelly has the weight on her shoulders now too. She has cared for her mom for several years. She has 2 kids, one grand child, plus her brother his wife and two kids on hers. Thank god all 3 of us had the correct upbringing.