Thursday, January 3, 2019

Disturbance In The Force

It was like millions of folks screamed in pain.
Plus its seems we are all walking a little more to the LEFT. 
Well, dah that's what happens when the Socialists gain power in Washington D.C.

Buckle up everyone. This new congress is going to be like riding all the E Ticket rides at Disney World, The House wants this and the Senate wants that. And Mr Trump don't give an inch. Hold your ground sir. This is why we elected you in the first place.

I understand some 40+ Liberals are thinking of running for President in 2020. Yep its going to be a hell of a ride.

Hang on tight, its going to be rough to say the lest

Record warmth here in MN this weekend. You know what that means...Hell as frozen over


P.S. I put comment monitoring back on. Can you guess why???


Mike Yukon said...

I'm already sick of hearing all the political BS and we have two years to go! :-(

Rob said...

A sad but true statement. At the rate things are going the shut down could last the next two years

deb harvey said...

some say take away the salaries of congress with their ill gotten gains it would not hurt them but they would scream as though it did.

Rob said...

They won't cut off, or hold back any pay. Give them a raise yes.