Sunday, February 24, 2019

Just How Bad Is It....??? Added Road Conditions Link

It is so bad around Minnesota, with drifting snow the National Guard has been called out, additional State Troopers from the Twin Cities Metro and St Cloud have been sent to southern MN to help folks stuck. Basically we have been told to not travel outside of our community.

Interstate 35 is closed south of the Metro area. I 90 which runs across southern MN is closed  So many folks just don't have a clue to whats going on, its not even funny. One lady asked how the roads are west of Cokato as she has an event tonight in Litchfield. Many folks are telling her to call and see if its been cancelled, and to just stay home.

Meeker County (next county west of us) pulled their plows last night, and they will stay off the roads until 3 am Monday morning. We did head out to do shopping BUT we stayed in Cokato vs running to Walmart in Buffalo, Litchfield, or Hutchinson. I'm not risking my life to save some money. On a day like today safety Trumps savings. Road Conditions in MN     I added this link to show who bad it is here

I will keep you posted. ...Rob



Mike Yukon said...

Just hope you don't get a fast high temperature melt, a lot of water would be flooding your area.

Vicki said...

We got between 3 and 4 inches of snow here. It is windy, but in town we don't notice it so much with all the buildings blocking it I can hear the wind howling around the corners, but the snow isn't being blown around like it is out in the country. Stay warm.

Rob said...

It runs off real well around here. We have a creek that flows into a small river. Not to worried

Rob said...

I read a facebook page about our area. Some folks are really that stupid. I have to get here, how are the roads. What road it nothing but big snow drifts is the reply. I almost got stuck in the parking lot of the drug store late this afternoon. That is IN TOWN. Never mind outside of Cokato. My son works near Litchfield HWY 12 was snow covered but driveable around 530. By the time he got south of cokato the county roads was down to one lane to Winstead to his home AS now now school is 2hrs late. Could be cancelled too.