Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Put Aside Our Differences

This is one of the times we need to put aside our differences, be it political, economic, religion, and give thanks to our god, who ever you worship. Thank you for my health, home, love, family, etc.

While I don't hear a calling to attend church any more, I still praise my god, for what he has given me. A home, my health and the health of my loved ones. The gift of my wife, 5 adult children, and gift of my grandson. The food we have, be it small or large amounts.

The gift of knowing so many people, weather in person, music, movies, books, etc. Yes, our god has called some family members to return home to be with him, our friends and family live on in our hearts and minds. I give thanks to those who paid the price for protecting our country and our freedoms.

As we gather with family and friends, this Thanksgiving Day, we rejoice at what god has given all of us. Safe travels to you my friends, and the travels of your family's.

Stay Safe, stay warm, and alert......

Your friend...Rob and Family



Rev. Paul said...

Nicely said, Rob. May your Thanksgiving be peaceful and blessed by the presence of the Lord.

Rob said...

Thank you Padre,

Vicki said...

Wishing you and your family a blessed Thanksgiving Day, my friend.

Rob said...

Thanks Vicki. We wanted all our kids home this year, but a miss understanding and lack of communication, has caused a rift right now, so instead of 9 for dinner its going going to be 5. my wife is upset, but she will get over it. I hope its over by Christmas.

P.S. our dinner is now a lunch due to retail jobs