Tuesday, August 7, 2018

What Freedom Of Speech ??

While I have heard of Alex Jones. Not a follower of his shows, never the less when he gets silenced for what he says is not right. It means any one of us can be silenced. Our founding fathers gave us FREEDOM OF SPEECH in our CONSTITUTION.  Now his voice has been cut off, by Facebook, Spotify, and other outlets.

Even those who would be offended by what he reports, are saying hey, you can't do that. I don't care what lies the LEFT puts out, they have the right under Freedom Of Speech. Main Stream Media has the same right. They lie daily and have the right to do so.  The more I think about it, the more I am leaning towards going to an email format. Still trying to sort my options out. I'm sure we will all be silenced in our Freedoms given us and taken for granted. The big question in my mind who's next.

Amendment #1

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

Some assholes need to read read the U.S. CONSTITUTION again.
Well, our slide into the black-hole of socialism continues. 

Stay Safe my friends



Gorges Smythe said...

The problem is that those are private companies, not government entities. Therefore, they can boot anyone off that they want. It's not moral, but it's legal.

Rev. Paul said...

Gorges Smythe is correct. The Constitution exists to restrain the government; private companies can do as they please in this regard.

Peteforester said...

Private companies can do what they want here; there's the end-run around the Bill Of Rights. ...All part of the plan...

California legalized "medical" weed. You get your card, you get your weed. All is right with the world; right? 'Seems so, until you go to buy a gun, and fail the background check. Why? Because you violated federal law, buying weed. The "medical" card is your confession to this; another end-run, this time around the 2nd Amendment. ...All part of the plan...

Rob said...

Gentlemen you are right, so do you think the government has anything to do with their decisions?? I find it strange that all these companies chose to end his access on the same day. I use some of those companies. I could very well, stop using FB, watch movies on Youtube and stop listing to Spotify. I guess they are not worried about losing users or revenue.

Peteforester said...

For the most part, corporations are the government, and vise-versa...

Rob said...

I can agree, they give the government a lot of money. influence.

Mike Yukon said...

The Left has been trying to get people like Limbaugh and Hannity an many others off the air. They picked Jones as his bank account isn't big enough to fight them. Hopefully Trump can help this out by making it an election issue.

Also This may open the door to other start-up people to bring direct competition against You-Tube, Facebook, Twitter and Apple.

Rob said...

I am so sick of all the games being played by the LEFT. Reminds me of a spoiled kid who gets mad and takes his toys home, because he/she is not winning.

Gorges Smythe said...

YouTube has already blocked a lot of conservatives.

Rob said...

Your right I forgot about that fact.