Sunday, October 6, 2019

I Told You So.....(post #550)

Those words have always driven my wife and family crazy......BUT

I Told You So, remember the last post. Gut feeling..sign from Padre in Alaska??  1-3 inches Friday night into Saturday. I can't even say or write that dirty 4 letter word. Around here that is a swear word. Wash your mouth out with soap, hot sauce on a spoon no water type of swearing.

My oldest daughter dropped that one on me about 30 min ago. I told her we need to get the yard ready for winter. Are you kidding me?? Well you said 1-3 right?? a yes. Then your damn straight Skippy. Time to dig out the tools of the season.

Busy day tomorrow, da wife and I both see our Drs. Major grocery shopping, after or in between appointments. then weekly CAP meeting tomorrow night.

I renewed my membership in CAP for another year. I was debating should I or shouldn't I. I didn't do it for anyone in my squadron, nor myself, I did it for the cadets. The main reason I first joined 30 years ago. Doing my part to help serve my country, and our youth. Lord knows the left is trying to tear apart this country. This is how I can do my part of fight them. 

Have a good week all...



hobo said...

What?!??? You mean you're gonna get SNOW!? bwwwahahahaha!!!

Yeah, I'm a pot-stirrer this evening. The weatherguessers say we may get some our direction but it isn't looking promising. Thank goodness... but then again, I'll have a couple days off to get something productive done. At least that is the plan and we all know how that goes ;^)

Be safe & keep up the good fight!

ps... glad you 're-enlisted'. Thank you. :-)

Rev. Paul said...

I'm glad you re-enlisted for the new troops. They need a calm head with common sense & experience.

Rob said...

Pure evil..LOL Its going to be a long winter.

Rob said...

Thanks Padre. Just doing my duty to our country.

Vicki said...

Nooooooooo!! Say it isn't so!! I know we live in Minnesota where winter can be 6 months long, but it is just too early for it to begin. We haven't even had Fall yet.

What Rev. Paul said about your re-enlistment. Good on you, my friend.

Rob said...

So we could be looking at 7 months of that "Stuff" ish