Thursday, March 12, 2020

It Just Keeps Getting Better Every Minute

Don't know what to say other then WOW. Spring break starts in a week here.



Mike Yukon said...

Until they come up with a 'treatment' for this virus it's best to stay away from clusters of people like at the store etc.

Gorges Smythe said...

Considering who makes up their staff, coronavirus might be one of the less dangerous things that you could catch there.

Anonymous said...

Hey Rob, remember to try and relax some so you don’t let it get under your skin to bad and spaz out. You’re prone to depression and all that so take care of yourself.


Rob said...

I understand. This own process has taken so many by surprise.

Rob said...

We are so glad to be out of Orlando, and the mess that is about to hit.

Rob said...

Thanks Matt. I'm feeling petty good as this all unfolds. The DR has me on some meds that have me grounded. I was surprised last night when my kids stopped by to see us,
In walk my youngest daughter, second oldest son, ok no big deal see them all the time. Then my oldest walks in He has been up in Canada for the last 6 months. I wished the kids had taken a photo of my shocked face. He flew in for my 60th birthday. My youngest is still at Ft Benning, until his AIT is done in May then hes back home.

I think now that all of this is unfolding I have gone from a Oh My God, What am I going to do. To Hey I did a good job. Some minor things to pick up to plug holes, but we are as ready as we will get.

Rev. Paul said...

Happy birthday, Rob. Enjoy it!

Rob said...

Oh Thanks Padre. Just another year on the life experience odometer

Peteforester said...

I couldn't think of a more fertile Petri dish than a Disney park! ...Except... perhaps... Wal-Mart... That being said, have you, or anyone else out there, ever seen such a reaction to a virus in this country? ...This thing has all the indications of a manufactured economic catastrophe...

...Think "timing..."

Happy birthday, Rob.

Rob said...

If this is a liberal game, the left doesn't have anyone smarter then Pres. Trump to run things any better... This mass panic is what the good prepper stories start out with