Saturday, June 11, 2016

How Warm Is It?

Its so warm in Mn right now.........
I thought I was back in Florida, feels like it, heat index around 99,
sounds like it, women in Dollar General speaking Spanish to her kid.
Smells like it, sun screen. and bug spray think in the air
Thank god everyone has MN plates on their cars and its Winstock Country Music I knew I was still home.

This is how most of us feel......

For those of us who don't live south in the winter, we take photos like these to remember days like this...

I have told friends and family on the coldest days of winter, REMEMBER this day cause in a few months you will wish it was like this out. One thing I learned living in Florida for six years...Its better to layer up to stay warm then its is to strip down to nothing and still feel sweat dripping places that sweat shouldn't go. Our home is 100% air conditioned this summer with two window ac units. one was free the other $125.00 brand new. How cold is it in our home...Like I said better to bundle up...:)

Stay cool, and Stay vigilant.



PioneerPreppy said...

No kidding. The only down side to Winter for me is keeping up with the wood cutting but I sleep so much better in Winter time. I would love it if it never got above 65 or 70 during the day and fell to 40 or so every night.

Vicki said...

I'm with Preppy. Wish I could find a place where the climate was as he described. But until then, my air conditioning seems to be working fine. Even so, Fall can't come soon enough.

hobo said...

Was 47 this morning - should be in mid-70's today. A welcome relief from the 100F + humidity a couple of days ago. Ugh!