Sunday, June 12, 2016

Mass Shooting In Orlando

50 confirmed dead and 53 injured.   I received a text this morning from my oldest son in Orlando, he tells me that is a club he used to go to from time to time when he worked at Disney World. Jordon's not gay but a group of them would go hang out, listen to music and relax.

Now the Liberals will start there crap about "No Guns, No Violence".  One of Florida's Liberal Congressman has already been running his mouth about the shooting. Why?? Because he is up for reelection, free TV time.  Our prayers go out to the family's of the dead.

My son told me a few days ago he wants to get a concealed carry permit and a 9mm. This was about 3 days ago, today he said now more then ever.

On a side note the temps are down to 70 this am. AC is off windows open.

Stay Vigilant, so many are out to kill as many as they can.



PioneerPreppy said...

Still hot here.mid 90's and about 100% humidity is making it horrible to work outside at all.

I say we should have gun control. If you are a democrat no guns allowed. Most all of the shootings are done by them anyway.

Rob said...

My youngest son has classmates from high school who worked with some of the shooting victims. its hard to realize this idiot took out 1/3 of the cub users last night.

Jacked Up Glock Mom said...

"This containment garbage is getting people killed, You don't contain evil, you destroy it or it destroys you"

-Bill O'Reilly last night when talking about this terrorist act....