Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Up Coming Election

I understand that some people are not happy with the Republican Party for not being 100% behind Mr Trump. I would rather vote for a Republican, as a vote against the Liberal Left, Socialists, Communists, and alike, then not vote at all. We all know the LEFT is doing all it can to steal any election.

Here in MN you can register to vote on election day. SO I could bring in every Tom, Dick, Harry, Gerri, Betty, and Sally say I can vouch for them and they get registered. But at the same time if you get a MN DL, you get sent a voter register card.  My oldest son changed his DL from FLA to MN, and was sent a card.

Here in MN, we are electing 2 U.S Senators, One running was appointed to fill a spot, the other is up for reelection plus . Our current Democrap Governor is not seeking reelection as he has cancer, but maybe term limited too.  SO I will make sure that all my family, everyone is over 18, gets out and votes this year.

Stay Alert, Keep Prepping, not only for survival, but our long winters nap is approaching.



Gorges Smythe said...

Sadly, even voting for a bad republican beats voting for any democrat.

Mike Yukon said...

I see you have the same problem we have here in Florida, all the candidates are pure worthless, no experienced dung balls. Like you I am forced to vote Republican because voting for a Democrat is voting in a dictatorship!!!

Rob said...

Yes, a sad, but true statement

Rob said...

Our mayor here in my town, keeps getting re elected. He does a good job, and no one seems to want it. When he gives a speech, its lasts maybe 2 minutes, if that. I know we have some folks in MN that always rocks the boat. I think they like to hear the sound of their own voice.