Tuesday, March 26, 2019

3 Weeks Later

If you go back in my blog postings you can find photos of my place after all the February snow.
These are photos I just took about 20 min ago of my place...

Our fire ring, and smoker have been found

Oh look the gas meter,

Very back of the house. I may use this side of the shed for tomatoes and maybe peppers

Looking behind the shed looking at the rail road bridge and US 12

Machine Shop behind us

looking down to 3rd ave

Closer look at fire pit and smoker

This snow is in the shade daily. The warmer air temps will melt this stuff

Fired up the grill for the first time to burn off all the old grease and clean it up. Tomorrow burgers on the grill. Can't wait. Oldest son wants to be smoking meat by end of April. As you can see we have a lot of yard to rake. The leaves fell early. All that remained come winter is those little helicopter seeds
the ones that float down from the trees. We will rake it up and burn off. Itching to have a camp fire too.

Well stay safe my friends. The left is madder then a nest of hornets, their plans to dump Trump have failed. They are now the laughing stock of our country. Serves them right...


Rev. Paul said...

We have roughly the same amount of snow remaining. Ground is still frozen, too.

Rob said...

Last week our local river was normal, last night it was way over its banks.

Gorges Smythe said...

Much better, not hard to tell the not side of the house.

Rob said...

Yes its getting real nice around here. Finding items lost in the snow is the big surprise

hobo said...

Isn't it amazing all the stuff that appears once the snow melts. Kinda like an easter egg hunt. haha Take a hoe to that snow next to the house and get rid of it. We do that around here... good 'anger management' against winter ;^)

Enjoy the grilling! I'm looking forward to the warmer temps, too, so we can get the two pork belly slabs smoked into bacon. Been too cold to get that done so in the deep freeze they await. But soon we'll be back to having homemade bacon! Woot!


Rob said...

The snow will melt fine on its own. its a big area. I say about 6' X 50' Nice to have warmer temps

Mike Yukon said...

Wow! I thought you were going to skip summer this year and go right back to winter! Enjoy the soon to be green grass and burgers on the grill.

Rob said...

Mike many of us in MN thought summer was a no go. Temps going into April are around the 50's with 60 teasing. My son took is dog out today and didn't have to bundle up like he was at the north pole. In and out in less then 5 vs 15 to bundle up...